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Conservator-Restorers of cultural heritage in the Nordic Countries urge Russia to respect civil rights and the 1954 Hague Convention


Conservator-Restorers of cultural heritage in the Nordic Countries urge Russia to respect civil rights and the 1954 Hague Convention



The Nordic Associations of Conservators of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden (IIC Nordic Group) strongly condemn the unprovoked Russian invasion of the democratic and free Ukraine. We mourn human losses and fear irreparable damage to the cultural heritage of Ukraine.

The Nordic Associations of Conservators have received alarming reports from museum colleagues in Ukraine. Among others the staff at the National Museum in Kyiv have been forced to hastily move exhibited collections by evacuating them to the museum basement to secure them from the military attacks. There are many more such examples throughout Ukraine.

Russia has ratified UNESCO's 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: The 1954 Hague Convention. By doing so, Russia has committed to protecting cultural heritage, museums, and their collections during armed conflicts. We urge Russia to respect the Convention and fulfil this promise to safeguard museums and cultural heritage collections from military attacks and destruction.



Karen Borchersen
Forbundsrådsordförande (Chair)
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